Digging back through some old Zelda's Inferno exercises, I stumbled on this bit of doggerel. With December 21, 2012 coming up it seemed like a good time to share it. :-)
handy tips for the apocalypse:
if thoughts of destruction are dumbfounding
heed this advice to keep from floundering:
when the earth is hit by the asteroid
it won't matter if you're man or android
'cause when it hits it'll crush the planet
like a rotten pomegranate
goodbye to poets and their scribbles
farewell to dogs who dine on kibble
useless to pray for intervention divine
to the facts you must become resigned
there won't be enough for Bill Cosby
to perform an autopsy
so enjoy existence here and now
because one day - boom! crash! pow!
With these words I don't mean to offend;
Just want you to be ready to face the end.
Burma shave.
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