What's New From And With Tom Swiss?

What is Tom up to now? What's he been writing and recording, and what events is he scheming? Bookmark this page and check back often!

Make 2023 A Magickal Year

Are you ready for a more magickal year in 2023? Learn how to make it happen with my book Punk Magick! Read on-line for free or paperback and ebook versions are also available.

Recent posts at The Zen Pagan

Masculine Archetypes: The King At Midsummer

Posted on Thursday June 20, 2024

He does not command, he is not a conqueror. Instead the King is the conduit of blessings for his people. This kingship is all duty and no power, no temporal power at least.

Deconstructing the Bears Vs. Men Memeplex

Posted on Sunday May 05, 2024

In this memeplex we can find misandry, a romantic misview of nature, a base rate fallacy, myths about violent crime and about the gender distribution of power, and a disregard of positive helping behavior by men. So there's a lot to unpack.

Masculine Archetypes: The Preacher at Beltane

Posted on Wednesday May 01, 2024

The Preacher does not issue orders or set himself above those he speaks to in a power hierarchy. The authority he has is "moral authority", rooted in the rightness of what he says and in congruence between those words and his actions.

Eclipse 2024: Ritual For A Reset

Posted on Thursday April 04, 2024

If some part of your life is in Bad Order and you could use some aid in shaking loose from it, I suggest that this Great North American Eclipse provides a unique magickal opportunity for a reset -- especially for those in the path of totality, but you can work this ritual even if you're in an area where it's only partial.

Masculine Archetypes: The Lover at Ostara

Posted on Tuesday March 19, 2024

The Lover we are considering here is not necessarily a romantic or a sexual figure. The Lover's defining behavior is contemplation. In contemplation the borders become fuzzy, the self blends with the other. In the Lover we see the tension of longing, the desire to extend boundaries. Sitting at the self/other interface, the Lover is neither inward-directed like the Magician nor outward-directed like the King.

Recent posts at The Weird Turn Pro

When censoring fascists, who gets to decide who's "fascist"?

Posted on Sunday May 30, 2021

Giving anyone the power to label someone "fascist" and censor them is far more of a threat than a handful of Nazi punks.

1917: The Real Start of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Posted on Monday May 24, 2021

The story starts with British imperialism

Police violence: seeing the fnords

Posted on Wednesday May 12, 2021

Imposition of Order = Escalation of Disorder. "Armed with the Law of Eristic Escalation and Fenderson’s Amendment any
imbecile – not just a sociologist – can understand politics."

The Weird Turn Pro: Commentary from a weird perspective.

Posted on Wednesday May 12, 2021

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” — Hunter S.

Videos on YouTube

Tom Swiss - Poetry Open Mic at The Bun Shop, Apr 12 2024

Posted on Tuesday May 21, 2024

Reading three poems at the Bun Shop open mic, April 12 2024, Towson MD,

"Keep Going", a song by Tom Swiss

Posted on Wednesday January 24, 2024

Part 19 of the 2024 fun-a-day: a new song, "Keep Going". For everyone going through rough times.

When it seems you just can't catch a break
When the troubles just keep growing
When life seems like endless heartache When you're going through hell.... Keep going
Keep going
Keep going

The Magician At Midwinter (Masculine Archetypes Part 1).

Posted on Sunday December 24, 2023

The Magician At Midwinter. "The Magician is the keeper of hidden knowledge, the master of special skills and powers. He is the yin/yang compliment of the King. Where the King is a widely known public figure, the Magician is isolated in his tower, intent on his chosen field of study and artistry." Part 1 of a serious of 8 posts on the topic of archetypes of the mature sacred masculine I'll be doing over the coming year.

"Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia" (original song)

Posted on Sunday January 29, 2023

For the 2023 #FunADay project, a new song. A hymn of sorts to my patron Goddess, who asked me to remind you that you are free. Hail Eris!

Song: "Leadbetter's Tavern", Tom Swiss

Posted on Friday January 20, 2023

For part of my #FunADay project in January 2023, I wrote a song about Baltimore's best dive bar. Miss that place and its "Music EFN."

Upcoming Events

Touch Mother Earth Positive Vibe Tribe Festival

Posted on Sunday August 20, 2023

I'll be doing shiatsu and selling some wares at the Touch Mother Earth Positive Vibe Tribe Festival August 25-27 in Farmingdale, NJ

KarmaFest at Hip Gypsy

Posted on Sunday August 20, 2023

I'll be doing shiatsu and selling some wares at KarmaFest at Hip Gypsy September 2-3 in Chambersburg, PA, including a self-shiatsu class 11:45 on Sunday morning at KarmaFest.

"Acupressure for Autumn" class

Posted on Sunday August 20, 2023

I'll be teaching a class "Acupressure for Autumn", Wed, Sep 27, 7-9pm, on-line or in person in Catonsville.

Learn self-acupressue techniques with a focus on the autumn season, focusing on the Lung and Large Intestine meridians and the Metal phase of the Five Phases. As we move into the dark of the year it's time to let go of what no longer serves us. To acknowledge and process our grief; each new beginning needs an old thing to end. It's also time to prime our immune system for the winter, and to strengthen our communication with others.

Pay what you will; the suggested donation for this two hour class, available in person (in Catonsville, location TBD) or on-line, is $35.

"Living More Magically" class

Posted on Sunday August 20, 2023

I'll be teaching a class "Living More Magically", Sun, Oct 29, 2-5pm, on-line or in person in Catonsville.

As "the veil grows thin" this Samhain season, we're going to explore magick -- "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", as Aleister Crowley put it -- via the philosophy of "Punk Magick", stripping the art down to its absolute bare essentials and going forward confidently with a "do it yourself" spirit to engage directly with it.

I claim no supernatural powers and I don't ask you to "believe" anything in this class. I'm not your guru or your cult leader and I insist that you think for yourself, schmuck. I merely suggest to you certain practices and attitudes which I believe you will find will improve your life if you sincerely try them out.

Pay what you will; the suggested donation for this three hour class, available on-line or in person in Catonsville (location TBD), is $45.