software, shiatsu, self-defense, spirituality, songs, and other skills
Infamous Industries: skills for hire

Linux, PHP, C++: my tech resume

acupressure, massage, personal training

traditional Japanese karate & practical self-defense in Catonsville, MD

t-shirts, mugs, and suchlike at my CafePress store

What is Tom up to now? What's he been writing and recording, and what events is he scheming? See the "What's New?" page!
- I'll be appearing at the Starwood Festival 39.5, an on-line event to keep the momentum of Starwood going as best we can during the COVID-19 crisis. Leading a prosperity ritual, based on a Shinto money-washing ritual, on Wednesday evening, playing a lunchtime concert on Thursday, and working with the Family of Fire on Friday night.
- Check out the blog at Patheos: The Zen Pagan.
- What Does It Mean For The Gods To Exist? and other essays is now available in paperback and ebook, including a FREE Creative Commons ebook version.
- My shiatsu practice has recently reopened, and you can now request an appointment on-line. Also I am now making personal training sessions available, either on-line or in-person outdoors. Whether you've never exercised, are getting your strength back after illness or injury and want to combine gentle exercise with shiatsu treatments, or are already in shape and want a "black belt boot camp" workout to take you to the next level, contact me for a free consultation.
Questions? Offers of fortune and fame? Send 'em to me..
If you like what I'm doing and want me to keep on doing it, you can support my work in various ways.
Infamous Productions: Books, blogs, performances, art
a book about "Zen Paganism", now available from Megalithica Books

an essay collection, from theology to the Ferguson Uprising

my blog at Patheos Pagan
a blog: stumbling down the path of karate-do
but is it art?

some of my poems
a demo album

music hath charms
interesting ideas, groups, and people
Questions? Offers of fortune and fame? Send 'em to me
I do like to talk

people talk to me and about me
If you like, you can follow me on Twitter.
You can find me on various social media:
And commenting systems
And some useless sites, though they aren't well maintained:
Why "infamous tms" and ""? Because since the early 1990s, my e-mail address has been <my initials>@<various places>; and before Facebook there was this thing called USENET where we used to argue all the time. So several people who met me in person after knowing me via USENET by my e-mail address said something like "Ah, you're the infamous tms."
You can contact me here if you like. (Or send me e-mail if you can figure out my address from the information above.)
Thanks for visiting. Be excellent to each other.